China se muta pe partii: 300 de milioane pe schiuri pana in 2022



Fara traditii in sporturile de iarna, China a castigat organizarea Jocurilor Olimpice de iarna din 2022. In afara de cele 3 miliarde de euro pe care statul chinez le va investi in organizarea competitiei, asiaticii vor sa-si transforme tara intr-o veritabila practicanta de sporturi de iarna. Statul chinez si-a fixat un obiectiv cel putin halucinant, ca pana in 2022 sa puna pe schiuri cel putin 300 de milioane de chinezi. In acest sens asiaticii au inceput sa investeasca masiv in industria de profil: In 2010 erau 270 de statiuni montane in care se practica skiul, in 2015 numarul lor s-a cifrat la 568. Chinezii estimeaza ca pana in 2022 vor avea cel putin 1000 de resorturi in care se vor practica sporturi de iarna.1x-1

Zona cu avantul cel mai mare este zona muntoasa de la granita cu vecina si prietena Coreea de Nord, unde pe langa infiintarea a 60 de statiuni noi, s-a investit in creearea a 500 de scoli de sporturi de iarna. Beijingul joaca si el un rol important in aceasta dezvolatare gandita pentru Jocurile din 2022, orasul devenind in acest an capitala hocheiului chinez. S-au infiintat 19 cluburi noi, au fost inscrise 130 de echipe in competitii, si exista in acest moment peste 1800 de jucatori legitimati, detronand Shang-Haiul care are „doar” putin peste 500 de hocheisti in activitate.


China, Beijing, Nanshan Ski Village. Nanshan is the most popular, best-organized of the Beijing resorts, and the best thing around for snowboarders. A Chinese man is trying to earn the beginners run at the resort. Want to enjoy skiing in China? First rid yourself of notions that youÕre heading to FranceÕs Chamonix or ItalyÕs Cortina dÕAmpezzo. You arenÕt. The resorts that have proliferated around Beijing, targeting the capital's growing middle class, have slow lifts, poor equipment and icy slopes, usually covered with artificial snow. Planners do what they can to convince you that are in the Alps: Swiss chalets, walls decorated with photos of Alpine meadows that cannot hide the incongruous red Chinese lanterns and the Buddhist prayer flags fluttering outside the windows. The resorts' cafŽ are indeed packed with Chinese skiers dressed in the latest ski-suits, smoking, eating and chatting but not much seems to be going outside, where the scene is still one of bumpy nursery slopes crowded with first-time skiers snow-ploughing into one another. Researchs show that chinese skiers are extremely parsimonious by international standards and that the massive "boom" expected by local and foreign developers has still to materialize.